Stats at Level 1: Standard Equipment Crafting Cost Reduction: 1% These items often provide bonuses to your entire Empire, like +50% food production, so they are very valuable. The Gist: You can equip your Hero with items found or crafted via the More Menu> Hero or by tapping his icon in the upper-left corner of your Empire view. Fantasy Empireĭescription: 'The Armory allows you to Craft Equipment for your Hero and combine Gems and Materials to improve their quality. We've excluded a few Buildings-like the Advanced Armory and Memorial-which are not available to be constructed until later in the game. Our Buildings guide will show what a Building looks like, its description and purpose, its stats when first built and upgraded to level 2, as well as whether it can be accessed via the quick-nav 'More' menu. There are a lot of structures and menus to navigate and sometimes simply finding the location you need can be a challenge. In this game, players are in charge of expanding their personal Empire by constructing a variety of buildings and defences that will allow them to both fend off others players' invading armies and conquer other cities themselves. Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire is a base-building MMO in the vein of Game of War: Fire Age.